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2、Li D.*(李东来), Zhang J., Liu Y., Lloyd H., Pagani-Núnez E., Zhang Z., 2020. Differences in dietary specialization, habitat use and susceptibility to human disturbance influence feeding rates and resource partitioning between two migratory Numenius curlew species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 245, 106990.
3、Li D.*(李东来), Li X., Zhang Y., Guan S., Ruan Y. * 2020. Contrasting effects of egg size and appearance on egg recognition and rejection response by Oriental reed warblers. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6707.
4、Li D.(李东来), Han M., Lloyd H., Jin L., Zhang L., Yin J., Wan D. * 2020. Loss of extra-pair paternity is not associated with decreased paternal investment in mixed- paternity broods or unrelated nestlings in the Varied Tit Parus varius. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. Accepted.
5、Li D.*(李东来), Bai Y., Li X., Liu Y., * Zhang Z. 2020. Lack of fine-tuned egg rejection adjustment in barn swallows with variable local abundance of common cuckoos. Behavioural Processes.174: 104087.
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12、Li D.(李东来), Ding Y., Yuan Y., Lloyd H., Zhang Z. * 2014. Female tidal mudflat crabs represent a critical food resource for migratory Red-crowned Cranes in the Yellow River Delta, China. Bird Conservation International, 24(4): 416-428.
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14、黄子强,关爽,金麟雨,王青斌,张树岩,车纯广,李东来*. 2018. 2016 年黄河入海口北侧水鸟群落组成及多样性. 湿地科学, 2018, 16(6): 735-741.
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18、李东来, 魏宏伟, 孙兴海, 张正旺.(2015)震旦鸦雀在芦苇镶嵌收割生境中的巢址选择. 生态学报. 35(15): 5009-5017